New Look

Creating a delightful product page to elevate the New Look shopping experience


New Look's product details page (PDP) needed improvement to match their new brand direction. Users returned items bought online due to discrepancies with the product's appearance, while others preferred in-store shopping for a tactile experience. To address these issues, I designed an enhanced PDP that informed and delighted users, bridging the gap between online browsing and in-store shopping. Our solution aimed to provide comprehensive product details, boosting confidence in online purchases while reducing returns.

My Role

Product Designer — Facilitating kick off meeting, empathy mapping, wireframes, high fidelity prototypes to hand off to development.


x1 Product Designer

x1 Developer

x2 Product Manager

New Look

Creating a delightful product page to elevate the New Look shopping experience


New Look's product details page (PDP) needed improvement to match their new brand direction. Users returned items bought online due to discrepancies with the product's appearance, while others preferred in-store shopping for a tactile experience. To address these issues, I designed an enhanced PDP that informed and delighted users, bridging the gap between online browsing and in-store shopping. Our solution aimed to provide comprehensive product details, boosting confidence in online purchases while reducing returns.

My Role

Product Designer — Facilitating kick off meeting, empathy mapping, wireframes, high fidelity prototypes to hand off to development.


x1 Product Designer

x1 Developer

x2 Product Manager

New Look

Creating a delightful product page to elevate the New Look shopping experience


New Look's product details page (PDP) needed improvement to match their new brand direction. Users returned items bought online due to discrepancies with the product's appearance, while others preferred in-store shopping for a tactile experience. To address these issues, I designed an enhanced PDP that informed and delighted users, bridging the gap between online browsing and in-store shopping. Our solution aimed to provide comprehensive product details, boosting confidence in online purchases while reducing returns.

My Role

Product Designer — Facilitating kick off meeting, empathy mapping, wireframes, high fidelity prototypes to hand off to development.


x1 Product Designer

x1 Developer

x2 Product Manager

New Look

Creating a delightful product page to elevate the New Look shopping experience


New Look's product details page (PDP) needed improvement to match their new brand direction. Users returned items bought online due to discrepancies with the product's appearance, while others preferred in-store shopping for a tactile experience. To address these issues, I designed an enhanced PDP that informed and delighted users, bridging the gap between online browsing and in-store shopping. Our solution aimed to provide comprehensive product details, boosting confidence in online purchases while reducing returns.

My Role

Product Designer — Facilitating kick off meeting, empathy mapping, wireframes, high fidelity prototypes to hand off to development.


x1 Product Designer

x1 Developer

x2 Product Manager

New Look

Creating a delightful product page to elevate the New Look shopping experience


New Look's product details page (PDP) needed improvement to match their new brand direction. Users returned items bought online due to discrepancies with the product's appearance, while others preferred in-store shopping for a tactile experience. To address these issues, I designed an enhanced PDP that informed and delighted users, bridging the gap between online browsing and in-store shopping. Our solution aimed to provide comprehensive product details, boosting confidence in online purchases while reducing returns.

My Role

Product Designer — Facilitating kick off meeting, empathy mapping, wireframes, high fidelity prototypes to hand off to development.


x1 Product Designer

x1 Developer

x2 Product Manager

Problem statement

Online shoppers seek product information to determine if a product meets their needs. However, their current experience often lacks sufficient detail, leading to dropouts or returns when items don't match their online expectations.

The existing product page would show information, such as fabric, product care and images of a product. However, customers were returning items to the store. It had been identified in user research that customers were sending items back because the quality of the item did not match what they saw online. It had also been identified that users were browsing but not buying online because they would rather feel the quality of products or try on items in the store.

To encourage users to make informed online purchases while browsing, the goal was to provide sufficient product information for confident decision-making.

Problem statement

Online shoppers seek product information to determine if a product meets their needs. However, their current experience often lacks sufficient detail, leading to dropouts or returns when items don't match their online expectations.

The existing product page would show information, such as fabric, product care and images of a product. However, customers were returning items to the store. It had been identified in user research that customers were sending items back because the quality of the item did not match what they saw online. It had also been identified that users were browsing but not buying online because they would rather feel the quality of products or try on items in the store.

To encourage users to make informed online purchases while browsing, the goal was to provide sufficient product information for confident decision-making.

Problem statement

Online shoppers seek product information to determine if a product meets their needs. However, their current experience often lacks sufficient detail, leading to dropouts or returns when items don't match their online expectations.

The existing product page would show information, such as fabric, product care and images of a product. However, customers were returning items to the store. It had been identified in user research that customers were sending items back because the quality of the item did not match what they saw online. It had also been identified that users were browsing but not buying online because they would rather feel the quality of products or try on items in the store.

To encourage users to make informed online purchases while browsing, the goal was to provide sufficient product information for confident decision-making.

Problem statement

Online shoppers seek product information to determine if a product meets their needs. However, their current experience often lacks sufficient detail, leading to dropouts or returns when items don't match their online expectations.

The existing product page would show information, such as fabric, product care and images of a product. However, customers were returning items to the store. It had been identified in user research that customers were sending items back because the quality of the item did not match what they saw online. It had also been identified that users were browsing but not buying online because they would rather feel the quality of products or try on items in the store.

To encourage users to make informed online purchases while browsing, the goal was to provide sufficient product information for confident decision-making.

Problem statement

Online shoppers seek product information to determine if a product meets their needs. However, their current experience often lacks sufficient detail, leading to dropouts or returns when items don't match their online expectations.

The existing product page would show information, such as fabric, product care and images of a product. However, customers were returning items to the store. It had been identified in user research that customers were sending items back because the quality of the item did not match what they saw online. It had also been identified that users were browsing but not buying online because they would rather feel the quality of products or try on items in the store.

To encourage users to make informed online purchases while browsing, the goal was to provide sufficient product information for confident decision-making.

The Process

The Process

The Process

End to end process throughout the design journey

End to end process throughout the design journey

End to end process throughout the design journey




User research


User research


User research &



User research




Empathy mapping

Empathy mapping

Empathy mapping



Brainstorm & Wireframes

Brainstorm & Wireframes

Brainstorm & Wireframes


High fidelity designs

High fidelity designs

Test & Validate

Usability testing

Usability testing

User research

Uncovering conversion challenges and importance of product care information.

Research revealed that only 27% of users that interacted with a product image, went on to convert. This was a surprisingly low result compared to industry standards. The aim was to understand why.

Another finding from customer surveys was that 80% of users believed the product page to be legible. This was insightful as although they were able to clearly get information on product details this detail still wasn't enough.

Competitor Analysis

To support the user research I reviewed our competitors, to identify if there was something New Look could be doing that their competitors were not.

Many of our competitors were outlining product care and details however these were usually hidden, and that the imagery, video and zoom options could give users more detail into the product.

Empathy Mapping

Gaining insight into diverse user demographics

To gain a comprehensive understanding of our diverse user base, a kick-off meeting was initiated. Recognising the wide range of demographics represented by our users, empathy maps were leveraged as a valuable tool to consolidate existing knowledge about users.

Project Goals

Design a product page that offers clear and detailed information about the product that will empower users to make well informed purchase decisions.

The main objectives were to:

  1. Decrease online product returns

  2. Increase customer conversions from the product page


Different ideas were generated focusing on the key areas of the product page:

  1. Product Image: The first thing customers look at to learn about the product. What ways could the customers see the product up close?

  2. Colour Selection Options: How to show that there are more colours to choose from, so customers can explore them in detail.

  3. Product Care: Providing bite-sized information on product care and fabric details for customers to assess quality before purchasing.

  4. Additional Information: Showcasing extra details on how to wear the product or find similar items for customer convenience.

High fidelity prototype

Designs made ready for users to validate

I created a high-fidelity prototype and tested it with users. The results of the usability testing showed that users responded positively to the haptic feedback that was implemented. They also provided feedback indicating that the product details were clear and the navigation was easy.

Zooming into Details

Users were provided with the ability to zoom in on products, enabling them to access more detailed information. On mobile devices, users instinctively double-tapped or pinched the image to zoom in for a closer look.

Introducing Little Delights

Haptic feedback would inform the user when an action took place, this was also playful and the buttons would pulse.

Bitesize Product Details

Dividing the product details section into smaller, easily understandable pieces of information and allowing users to access the necessary information more easily.

User feedback highlights opportunities for improvement

Enhancing product details and sizing presentation

The overall feedback from users was positive, but there were areas that required improvement. Specifically, to update the way product details were communicated to our customers, as they expressed that the language used was not relatable. Additionally, sizing display had to be reviewed.

  • 40% of users agreed that the level of detail presented on the page reduced the likelihood of returning a product.

  • 50% of users believed that having the ability to view closer details of a product increased their likelihood of making an online purchase.

Due to a shift in the business's priorities, the final project did not progress beyond the user-testing phase. However, it remains in the pipeline for future implementation. Stay updated on the latest developments by visiting

I'm Christina — a Product Designer.
Let's work together

I'm Christina — a Product Designer.
Let's work together

I'm Christina — a Product Designer.
Let's work together